Can You Wear Flip Flops On The Go-Carts?

Flip flops are uncomfortable - 1

Go-cart racing is increasingly becoming a very popular recreational activity among people of all ages all over the world. Many commercial enterprises are establishing racing tracks. With go-cart racing, there are certain rules and regulations that should be observed for the safety of the drivers. Many go-cart racing areas have a dressing code. Most people usually want to know if the dressing code affects the type of footwear they have.   

Can you wear flip flops on the go-carts? Since go-carting is basically driving, it is not advisable to wear them on the go-carts. In fact, most places that offer go-carting prohibit people from wearing flip flops among other types of shoes on the go-carts.

Flip flops are among one of the most dangerous types of footwear to drive in. They reduce your efficiency as a driver and may increase the risks of you being involved in an accident. Although go-carts are designed to ensure that the driver is as safe as possible, even the slightest precautions need to be taken to avoid being involved in an accident. Other shoes not permitted to be worn on go-carts are sandals, high heel shoes, backless clogs, and slippers, among other open shoes.

The reasons why it is not advisable to wear flip flops on the go-carts

1. Flip flops are difficult to maneuver

Changing your foot between the go-cart pedals when wearing flip flops is difficult. When driving, it is important that you are able to switch between acceleration and braking with ease. With flip flops, however, you are limited. This becomes inconveniencing not only to you but to other drivers on the track.

2. Flip flops are less efficient

It takes longer to accelerate or brake the go-cart when wearing flip flops, compared to when accelerating or braking with normal shoes on. Stepping on the pedals requires you to exert more force on them than you normally would with normal shoes. This means that you are likely to tire faster when wearing flip flops on a go-cart than when wearing normal shoes. The more exhausted you are, the less likely you are to be able to make quick maneuvers on the track. You might end up being a nuisance on the track. Braking will also take longer when wearing flip flops, meaning that you are more likely to hit other drivers, causing an accident.

3. Flip flops offer no protection in case of an accident

In case an accident occurs on the go-carting track, you would want to be as safe as possible. Flip flops, however, leave your feet exposed. This puts your feet at a higher risk of being injured. It is therefore advisable to wear closed shoes on go-carts in order to limit the chances of your feet getting injured. 

4. Flip flops may get stuck on the pedals

Another reason why you are prohibited from wearing flip flops on the go-cart is the fact that flip flops tend to get stuck under the pedals. When driving, it is important that all of your focus is on the road in order to avoid accidents. With your flip flops being stuck under the pedals, however, you will end up being distracted trying to detach your feet from the pedals. You might even end up losing control of the go-cart. In addition, you might end up braking or accelerating involuntarily when your foot gets stuck on a pedal. You might end up disrupting all the other drivers on the track.   

5. Flip flops have less grip

The soles of flip flops do not have as much grip as other shoes. You will, therefore, have less grip on the pedal with flip flops. This increases the chances of your feet sliding off the pedals. Your feet may get injured as a result since flip flops leave your feet exposed. You might also end up losing control of the go-cart.

6. Flip flops easily come off

The other reason why it is not advisable to wear flip flops on go-carts is the fact that flip flops tend to come off too easily. There are chances that they may come off while you are driving the go-cart. You might end up being distracted from the track by trying to put them back on. This increases the chances of you hitting the borders of the track and distracting everybody.

7. Flip flops are uncomfortable for driving

Flip flops are also very uncomfortable shoes to drive in. They have very thin soles which are flexible. This increases the possibility of your feet getting cramped. Your feet will also tire more quickly. You will, therefore, be less efficient driving the go-cart. This increases the chances of you being the cause of an accident on the tracks. It is therefore advisable to put on shoes that have firm soles.

Final Thoughts

You are not allowed to wear flip flops on the go-cart for a good reason. Flip flops are terrible driving shoes and they put you at more risk of being involved in an accident. They are prohibited on the go-cart because they not only inconvenience you but also end up inconveniencing other drivers on the track. You should, therefore, wear closed shoes with flat soles to avoid being stopped from driving the go-cart.  

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