Do Slippers Damage Carpets?

Do slippers damage carpets - 1

A newly carpeted home is a joy for virtually any renter or homeowner. It is a soft, clean, and fresh base that is comfortable and warm to walk on, and if it is of good quality and you take good care of it, a carpet can last for you. Vacuuming a couple of times a week, deep cleaning treatments once or twice a year, and keeping food and drink from the carpet. However, you can take these precautions and still unknowingly damage to your carpet. In such a scenario, the main culprit may be the footwear you wear within your home. Read on to find out if slippers can cause damage to your carpet.

Do slippers damage carpets? Although wearing regular shoes indoors is one of the main culprits that ruins your carpet, slippers can also cause damage to your carpet in a variety of ways.

  • For one, if you wear your slippers both indoors and outdoors (even if it’s only to out to pick a package), you will bring in small pieces of dirt and debris from outside and when you step on your carpet, they will fall off. These pieces of debris can cause your carpet to fray and consequently flatten over time.
  • The treads on your slippers could also be contributing to the damage of your carpet. Some slipper designs feature well-defined treads that are meant to provide you with traction and keep you from slipping. However, these treads can be abrasive to the fibers, consequently causing the breakdown and immature aging of the carpet. Stains such as pet waste and traces of fertilizer from the lawn can cause irreversible staining and ensuing damage of the carpet.

When you wear slippers that you use outdoors within your house, you are exposing your carpet to anything that you may have unintentionally brought in from outside. Even if you slippers are strictly for use indoors, you may still spread debris that may be lying around. Here are some of the most common ways you may be inadvertently damaging your carpet with your slippers.

Ways in which slippers could damage your carpet

1. When you wear them outdoors

Wearing your indoor slippers out on your lawn or the porch may seem harmless, but in reality, it is highly likely that you will end up bringing in soil, small pieces of stone, and even traces of fertilizers or pesticides from your lawn.

A lot of the dirt you unknowingly step on ends up stuck on your slippers, and when you walk on your carpet, some pieces will inevitably fall off and become very destructive. These pieces of debris have a sandpaper effect on the fibers of the carpet, causing it to unravel and flatten over time. Furthermore, when moisture that is in the air collects on the small pieces of soil and ends up forming a mud-like substance that further flattens the carpet. Even when you use a vacuum on the carpet, you probably won’t get rid of all this debris, and the result is a carpet that is prematurely worn out and unappealing.

Other than staining your carpet, chemical substances such as pesticides and fertilizers can be harmful to your health.

2. When there is debris lying around in your home

Even when you use your slippers are used indoors, you might still end up collecting debris such as food particles, drinks, and pet waste/food, which will stain your carpet and become harder to get rid of as time goes by, damaging the appearance as well as the quality of your carpet. This is especially true if there is a lot of foot traffic in uncarpeted areas, meaning that there will be a high transfer of debris even when your slippers are strictly for use indoors.

3. When the soles of your slippers are well-defined

Slippers that have treads are essential in giving the wearer traction when walking and prevent slippage. However, these treads can be very abrasive to the carpet fibers, especially when they are well-defined. As a result, the fibers break down and the carpet ends up flattening. This makes the carpet appear old much faster than expected.

4. When the soles are too hard

Slippers that have hard soles are ideal for use on hardwood floors sine they shield the feet from the impact of stepping on a hard surface. However, when they are used in a carpeted home, they may end up flattening a carpet due to its contrasting soft texture and cause it to have a flattened and worn out experience.

5. When the slippers are black-soled

Slippers that have black soles can leave unsightly stains on your carpet. Such stains are hard to wash out entirely, consequently degrading the quality of your carpet.

Should you walk around barefoot?

If wearing slippers within a home poses a risk to your carpet, walking barefoot seems like the most appropriate solution to the problem. Beyond everything, what better way of eliminating the chances of tracking in dirt and debris than walking around in bare feet that have not been exposed to all the nasty elements outside your home? So it may come as a surprise to discover that walking barefoot is far from beneficial for your carpet.

Human skin typically accumulates natural oils and sweat during the day. Since these oils are sticky, they can easily attract any type of debris or dirt that falls on the carpet and slowly build up. As you walk on the carpet, these pieces of debris grind away the carpet fibers and cause flattening and reduction of quality.

Qualities to look for in slippers

Although the wrong type of slippers can damage your carpet, investing in a pair that has all the right features can help you save hundreds or even thousands in damages. Here are the qualities to consider when looking for slippers to use on carpeted floors.

  • Outsoles that feature a raised pattern – When shopping for slippers that you intend to wear at home, you will want a pair that has a flexible outsole as opposed to huge treads. After all, you won’t need as much grip as with footwear that is used for hiking or other similar outdoor activities. Look for slippers that have a rubber sole, preferably with a raised pattern for traction – these types will provide you with just enough traction without being too abrasive on your carpet.
  • A flexible sole – If you live in a house that is predominantly covered by carpet, then there is no use in hard-soled slippers which are more suited for tile and hardwood floors. Instead, slippers that have a flexible sole are more suitable. For extra support, look for a pair that has memory foam that will cushion your feet and ensure that you are comfortable.
  • Light-colored soles – Back-soled slippers may leave stains on your carpet as they get older. To avoid this risk, go for slippers that have light-colored soles instead.

Tips on how you can maintain the quality of your carpet

  • Limiting your slippers for use indoors – Even though slippers that can be used for both indoor and outdoor purposes are quite handy, they bring in a lot of dirt and debris from outside. Soil and rock particles from outside are the main of fraying and flattening of carpets, so by restricting slippers to use within the house only, you will significantly reduce the chances of your carpet getting ruined.
  • Keep your house (and carpet) clean – Debris is another contributing factor to reduced carpet quality due to the staining effect that it has. Clean your house regularly to get rid of food particles and pet dander or droppings that may be lying around. Vacuum your carpets at least once a week to remove the debris that may have already found its way to your carpet.
  • Cleaning your slippers regularly – By cleaning your slippers, you will get rid of debris that tends to attach itself to the soles as well as the upper. Even when slippers are only used indoors, they will still get dirty, so it is important to clean them regularly.

If the soles of your slippers are dirty, you will notice some slight discoloration that is caused by dirt. Use a dry soft brush or an old toothbrush to scrape off the loose dirt that is stuck to it. Apply a mixture of baking soda and gentle laundry detergent to the sole and scrub it in with the brush. Once the sole is clean, use a damp washcloth to wipe away the mixture. After all the soap is rinsed off, wipe the slipper dry with a clean cloth. To clean the slipper upper, simply use a gentle detergent and a soft cloth/brush.

Final Thoughts

The slippers you wear can damage your carpet if you use them both indoors and outdoors, they have defined treads, are too hard, and they are black-soled. As a result, if you have a carpeted home, look for house-specific slippers that have all the right qualities, keep your home spotless, and also clean the slippers regularly.

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